Monday, October 22, 2012

october: currently listening to.....

so i've decided to start a new music segment for each month. each month i will do a post with some of the music i've been listening to or recently discovered. so here's my favorites for october. 

ellie goulding:
i was so excited for halycon to come out, and the album did not disappoint. it's really different from lights but it is a step towards a new sound. the entire album is more of a dark, freakishly magical(ish) sound, but still has the same ellie goulding vocals. the songs i think are the best right now are "figure 8", "only you", and "my blood" because what's better than a song about bodily fluids? also "anything can happen" the lead single is dangerously catchy. 

songs that i have been listening to that also have cool music videos:



i've also been listening to a lot of beach house, mainly the teen dream album. and more voxtrot. 
oh and THRILLER. because 1. halloween. 2. we're doing the dance in dance class

opus orange:
i recently found this band opus orange. i was listening to all their songs on soundcloud especially the Reinventions EP, and was really obsessed. their songs are kind of indie with  a lot of ukulele and twinkling sounds. you can just imagine their songs in the background of a commercial or something. my favorite song is probably "crystal clear", but all of the songs are really good.

so what have you guys been listening to? comment, with "the best song right now is_______"

xxxxxx sena

(sorry this music thing is disconnected.) 

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