Sunday, October 28, 2012

unofficial guide to candy trading.

first of all guys, so sorry for the delay of the guest blogger post for today. we still have not received it, so we are going to replace it by starting talking about HALLOWEEN trick or treating. and more specifically the magic of candy trading. if you don't know what candy trading is, clearly you have never fully experienced a true trick or treating event. since some of you have never gotten to do this we will explain it to you. basically after your long candy collection throughout the night, everyone brings their haul home, and you and your friends sit down for some trading of the sweets. every year it's basically the same. so here is a brief guide to the happenings and some tips on a successful trade:

1. anything and everything is quickly attempted to be swapped for the prized sour candy. usually the person will not except any of your offers. bribery is needed. you may have to give up a lot of small candy. but it's worth it to obtain the SOUR PATCH KIDS/sour fruit/warheads/sour straws/etc. 

2. nobody ever wants the tootsie rolls. or tootsie anything. end of sentence. 

 ( my family calls dog poop tootsie rolls)

3. you suddenly become an organizing machine! :
out of the blue, you start piling snickers with snickers, smarties with smarties, lollipops with lollipops, and the gross miscellaneous with the gross miscellaneous . 
admit it, by some point after trick -or-treating, your table/floor ends up looking like a this picture over here. -----------> 

4. you develop trading strategies.....pretending you hate a certain type of candy so that it is less vulnerable. pretending to love another type of candy when you actually hate it so you can get a better trade.  it's as if you are skilled candy dealer(:

5. sometimes hiding your candy works too. or EATING the candy secretly. keeps it mysterious. 

6. avoid parental hunger. aka parents swiping an almond joy  while you are in a angry conflict about the trade of a large chocolate bar for 10 packs of skittles. 

7. packs of cookies or small snacks are not worthy of trade. they should have been eaten prior to your trading session. and raisins should be burned, spit on, attacked, and thrown across your street while a large moving bus drives by. 

8. never agree when your trading partner suggests piling all of the candy into a huge stack and then dividing it up "randomly". hint: it is NEVER "RANDOM" . eventually it will turn into a lose lose situation. 

9. the allergy kids are always singled out. (sena would know this being one with dairy and nut allergies) it is a chance to steal all of the chocolate/nut products. reeses, hersheys, etc. 

10. if you recieve a deal for gummy body parts or fast food it should be met with questionable looks. and then quickly give away the fake gummies, if the other side of the deal is worthy. we're talking 4 smarties and above. 

11. make sure you secure your full candy packs. full packs of starbursts, fruit chews, kit kats, etc. do not give away even if you are met with a very tempting deal such as 20 jolly ranchers and 5 whoppers. 

12. after a successful and satisfying candy trade,  you end up feeling like a proud parent.... to/of your candy.  and then you admire your new pile of candy. before you attack/ consume it. 

for more information please see this informative video:
and for more last minute costumes click HERE.

xx, sena and angela

ps. listen to lots of halloween music, and be sure to comment your tips and tricks to candy trading and trick or treating! 

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