Monday, September 10, 2012

koalas are the new cats

So i was looking at the news one day and i spotted this video (below) of a koala who actually swam (NOTE: koalas don't like swimming.) to a a group of canoes and caught a ride in one of them.  First of all, it was just plain flat- out cute. But second of all it got me thinking about how koalas would make very good videos. You know how people on youtube have some sort of an obsession with cat videos?? Well what if koalas had videos like cats do? it would be a thousand times better if not more adorable. This would give non-cat lovers (me.) a chance for something to watch when im bored. or sad. or lack cuteness. i don't know. the only problem is that koalas are wild. darn. but think about it though... KEEP IT IN YOUR MIND. 



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