Saturday, October 6, 2012

out of it & bucket list?!

i am really out of it these days! (and what exactly is "it"?)seriously, i have no idea what is going on in this world, just recently, i found out that we are already electing a new president?! Time really goes by fast, i cannot believe it has already been four years since Obama has been our president. sigh* i feel old:(
i have also found a bunch of cool things in random places in a website called
its funny how the website is exactly what it is called (;

apparently there is a place where they have a BATTLE OF THE ORANGES! sounds interesting right?
pretty much it is a giant fruit fight that happens in Italy.

now then, just to stray off topic, lets talk about bucket lists.
so far i feel like i have no interesting thing on my bucket list so if you have any suggestions: COMMENT!
i heard something from my cousin saying that she would want to hold an umbrella in the shower?
thinking about it more there is one thing that i have been meaning to do in at least one point of my life:
the idea of breaking out into synchronized dancing with a bunch of people is just a cup of awesomesauce!
anyways my creativity level right now is at 0% so im gonna cut this post short.
oh almost forgot the thought of the day...
Why are they called buildings, when they're already finished? Shouldn't they be called builts? 


  1. on your bucket list you should add: jumping into a kiddie pool filled with whipped cream!
