Friday, November 2, 2012

i don't like spam

i don't like spam.
this is the story of my life:  (third person style)
one day a girl named angela was walking around her house when she saw a lap top decided "oh i see a computer, i think i will just go ahead and check my email!"
so angela, like any normal person opens the laptop and starts clicking some random items until she finally gets onto her email
she reads the screen and it says :
"you have 53 unread messages"
suddenly, angela feels all popular and gets curious...who could those senders be?
then angela opens up her inbox only to find that all of them are notifications from facebook... except for one that happens to be from a teacher talking about an upcoming homework assignment.
dissapointed, angela closes her email and decides to do a post on her shared blog about spam.
morale of this story: spam is not good

thought of the day in a farewell (look in the parenthesis)
good bye now homosapiens! (did you know that the rood meaning of homo means same and sapien means intelligent, or brain?....just a little vocab lesson there)

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