i've always been obsessed with british things (no boy bands. ok that's a lie. but not what i think you're thinking. is it what i think? i think so.) but lately i really like british youtubers. first of all they all have the most amazing accents, and they're all really funny, and i want their lives (because i don't have one.) i mean they surf in the middle of the street, attempt accents for fun all the time, and throw parties out of tiny cars. WHAT'S NOT TO LIKE? so here are some of these people from the youtubey-tube. : pointlessblog, sampepper, marcusbutlertv, jacksgap, and zoella280390
here are some videos:
they have tons of videos and basically all these people all know each other and their all from brighton. i need to start working on my accent..... "oh my god, look at that hamburger, i really want to stroke it. have a great weekend, people of the inter webs and remember this: